Saturday, October 13, 2012

Teamwork Towers

During our Community unit, students have been learning about how working together can sometimes make tasks easier. In class students can help each other understand and follow directions.  Writing partners can help each other remember their stories after they have talked about them and are going to write them down. Students can help remind each other of the things they need when we are lining up to go somewhere. In this activity, Teamwork Towers, students attempted to build towers of sticks and tape. At first they tried independently. Students made comments such as "It keeps falling down!", "I need more hands!" and "I'm getting mad!" Then they tried collaboratively in their table groups. Students made very different comments such as "You hold and I'll tape.",  "It's getting taller!" and "Good job, team!" We reflected on the experience of working alone and in a team, through discussion and writing. Ask your child to tell you more about it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a great structures you guys made! Fantastic to see how you work in teams. It's so much more fun than working alone. Well done!
